Monday, January 31, 2011


 My name is Jacob but everyone calls me Jake and some call me Lil Trust. I'm 6' 5'' I like basketball and rapping. In my free time I rap and make music beats. I'm a very trustworthy person and if I don't trust you then I won't talk to you. When I graduate I want to finish my CD that I started in 2010 but I never have time to work on it.

 I see life as: if you want something done, do it yourself. I am in a pretty good mood. I am adopted and it's hard for me to get by day to day because I hate the people that I live with. My rap is what inspires me to go on day by day in this life I lead. My real family and my rap is what is important in my life.

 In 10 years I see myself with a job rapping and another job somewhere else just for extra cash, but in 20 years I hope to see myself with my own studio and with a record label. My dreams as you can tell are to be a famous rapper. I still want a kids and a wife but she's gotta be able to handle to fast life for a few years.

When you look at my life you may think I will never make it but I will.


  1. This is an excellent autobiography, Jake!!! I am so glad that you have rap to get you through each day. I know that things haven't always been easy. I hope that your dream comes true and that you have your own studio and record label. I'll be one of the first to buy your cd when it comes out! I can't wait to say, "I knew Lil Trust way back in the old skool days!"
