Monday, February 21, 2011

people who embarrasses me

 Not anyone really embarrasses me because I don't care what people say about me or think about me. There is only one person that has embarrassed me that I remember was my brother when I was in the same school as him and he made me fall down all of the stairs.

Friday, February 18, 2011

my addiction

They say music is my addiction rap is my prescription it once was a vision and now its my mission I've made it through it all I made all decisions say what you want I am not kidding this is my life not yours that I'm living when I pick up the mic look how many people listen because I'm the example of greatness I'm the best so I have to stay tight like braces my flow is contagious rhyme's are outrageous my life is like a book that's running outta pages but heart is going through some destruction allot is going on and it's hard for me to function I used to let little things bother me they ask if I see myself blowing up and i say probably I'm on top of my words like an apostrophe you can find me on the street slaughtering MC's

This is the beat for the song I wrote above click here then go down to ''27 beat 0014'' and click on it.
It's not done yet but hopefully soon hope you like it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jon Young

I first heard Jon Young's music at the first song I heard was doin my thang I love his music the second I heard it. Jon Young isn't famous and he don't have a big time record label but he don't need or want any of that because he wants to write his own music and do his own thing. He has done music since high school with his best friend J-cash, they have done a song with Lil Boosie. Their MySpace pages have collectively recived over 52 million listens and 200,000 friends. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

My interview with Jon Young

1. Was rapping always what you wanted to be when you grew up or did you want to be something else?

From about age 12 or so I really got into making music. I never really knew what I wanted to do for a career. Even now I'm still unsure. Music was just something I've always been drawn to and for the last 14 years I've spent the majority of my time doing.

> 2. What were your mom and dad like growing up?

My parents are pretty crazy. My Dad is from Jersey City, NJ so he is very loud and has a temper. He was also in Vietnam so that didn't help. But he has always been a hard worker and is college educated. He worked for the Post Office during my entire childhood and has recently retired and now teaches at two community colleges. My Mom is from South Florida and is a lot more easy going like me but has struggled with addictions and mental problems her whole life. They divorced when I was 8 years old and my Mom has yet to reach a stable point in life almost 20 years later.

> 3. Did you ever think that u would be famous?

Well I'm still really not famous in the sense of being on t.v. and radio 24/7. I have a good size underground fanbase but I think due to my own issues with anxiety and other disorders my ambitions of taking things to the next level have been stifled. I always had a sense that I would do something great or beyond just living a normal life as a kid. I work a regular job as well as do music and I hope to one day utilize my artistic abilities as a means of making a living. There have been times where music was all I did but CD sales and shows are very unpredictable so I needed a more steady income.

> 4. What inspires you to go on day by day besides your music?

I look to emotions and feelings that I get. I try to create a song that matches those moods. Earlier on I was focused mainly on putting Orlando on the map in terms of hip hop. I feel I achieved that to some degree and I can only do that for so long so lately I've been broadening my taste of music. Listening to dubstep and other forms of music to help inspire my own.

> 5. What is your favorite color?

I used to like blue but lately I've been drawn to red.

> 6. What is your favorite movie?

Back to the Future

> 7. Who was your first crush?

My first and only celebrity crush is olga kurylenko from Hit Man and Quantum of Solace. As far as someone obtainable, probably a girl from way back in 1st grade. Don't even remember her name.

> 8. What is your favorite meal to eat? 

Probably any variation of garlic shrimp pasta. I love seafood and italian food so that covers both. Next would have to be fried catfish with some slaw and fries and a big bottle of Crystal hot sauce.

> 9. If you could have any car what would it be and why.

A Buick Grand National. My stepdad had one when I was a kid and he wrecked it and blew up the motor on the dragstrip. I love 80s cars like Caprice, Cutlass, Regal etc. And they combine the look of those cars with the speed and performance of a sports car.

> 10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I love Orlando but my second choice would be London, England. I went there in 2009 and loved it. They are very passionate about music and art. More so than the U.S.

> 11. If you could be the president of the USA would you why or why not.

Definitely not. I really don't have any idea how government or politics works. One of the main reasons I don't write music on those subjects. My only desire is that marijuana be legalized. The one and only drug I've used and don't see a problem with.

Monday, February 7, 2011

life is hard, I try not to cry at all
struggle the pain inside and I write them bars
if you hated me enough, would you aim and shoot me?
if I died right now, would you say you knew me?
life's not a movie, no happy end
who's real and who's down? gotta watch your friends
when I drop them rhymes you can feel my presence
say it loud and clear so you can hear my message
fake inside every single person
ain't nobody the same, ain't nobody perfect
some say they down, but later you found out
they're lying, and you moving on a down route
I'm the same as you and I gotta pay to eat
gettin' hungry, makin' money, it's a daily routine
I throw on a loop, put it on repeat
grab a pen and a pad and dedicate it to the streets.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All this killing in the world today

What is this world coming to? we have mothers killing there kids for all kinds of reasons like this women who killed her two kids for being ''mouthy''. Not only do we have mom's and dad's killing there kid's but we have kids killing there parents because they don't like doing chores. So the question is what is this world coming to?

Monday, January 31, 2011


 My name is Jacob but everyone calls me Jake and some call me Lil Trust. I'm 6' 5'' I like basketball and rapping. In my free time I rap and make music beats. I'm a very trustworthy person and if I don't trust you then I won't talk to you. When I graduate I want to finish my CD that I started in 2010 but I never have time to work on it.

 I see life as: if you want something done, do it yourself. I am in a pretty good mood. I am adopted and it's hard for me to get by day to day because I hate the people that I live with. My rap is what inspires me to go on day by day in this life I lead. My real family and my rap is what is important in my life.

 In 10 years I see myself with a job rapping and another job somewhere else just for extra cash, but in 20 years I hope to see myself with my own studio and with a record label. My dreams as you can tell are to be a famous rapper. I still want a kids and a wife but she's gotta be able to handle to fast life for a few years.

When you look at my life you may think I will never make it but I will.

Friday, January 28, 2011



I just love backstabbers because all they do is talk shit and try to make you angry. When people talk behind your back its mostly because they hate on what your making and have NOTHING better to do than talk shit like little pussy's.  I think they need to all get a life and grow the hell up. I also hate liars that's why I don't lie because when you lie it means you fear the person your lying to and I dont fear anyone. So just remember to thank your haters everyday

Thursday, January 27, 2011

LILTRUST favorite rapper


If I was in the wilderness I would want the biggest book in the world so I could burn it for heat, light, and a way to cook things thats why I would use this book  it would burn for days.
Some books that teach survival are on this website.

why I like to listen to rap and rap

I like rap because I can relate to what they say, My life is just like what they talk about in the songs. I rap about everyday things that I see, do, and think. I do it because if I didn't I would go crazy with all of the drama that i go through in a day. Tell me what your favorite type of music is and why.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the life of LIL TRUST

Hi my name Jake aka LIL TRUST I live in Iowa. The things I like to do are rap, make beats/songs.

why you should graduate

u should graduate so you can get a good job and not be angry with your decision not to graduate