Friday, February 11, 2011

My interview with Jon Young

1. Was rapping always what you wanted to be when you grew up or did you want to be something else?

From about age 12 or so I really got into making music. I never really knew what I wanted to do for a career. Even now I'm still unsure. Music was just something I've always been drawn to and for the last 14 years I've spent the majority of my time doing.

> 2. What were your mom and dad like growing up?

My parents are pretty crazy. My Dad is from Jersey City, NJ so he is very loud and has a temper. He was also in Vietnam so that didn't help. But he has always been a hard worker and is college educated. He worked for the Post Office during my entire childhood and has recently retired and now teaches at two community colleges. My Mom is from South Florida and is a lot more easy going like me but has struggled with addictions and mental problems her whole life. They divorced when I was 8 years old and my Mom has yet to reach a stable point in life almost 20 years later.

> 3. Did you ever think that u would be famous?

Well I'm still really not famous in the sense of being on t.v. and radio 24/7. I have a good size underground fanbase but I think due to my own issues with anxiety and other disorders my ambitions of taking things to the next level have been stifled. I always had a sense that I would do something great or beyond just living a normal life as a kid. I work a regular job as well as do music and I hope to one day utilize my artistic abilities as a means of making a living. There have been times where music was all I did but CD sales and shows are very unpredictable so I needed a more steady income.

> 4. What inspires you to go on day by day besides your music?

I look to emotions and feelings that I get. I try to create a song that matches those moods. Earlier on I was focused mainly on putting Orlando on the map in terms of hip hop. I feel I achieved that to some degree and I can only do that for so long so lately I've been broadening my taste of music. Listening to dubstep and other forms of music to help inspire my own.

> 5. What is your favorite color?

I used to like blue but lately I've been drawn to red.

> 6. What is your favorite movie?

Back to the Future

> 7. Who was your first crush?

My first and only celebrity crush is olga kurylenko from Hit Man and Quantum of Solace. As far as someone obtainable, probably a girl from way back in 1st grade. Don't even remember her name.

> 8. What is your favorite meal to eat? 

Probably any variation of garlic shrimp pasta. I love seafood and italian food so that covers both. Next would have to be fried catfish with some slaw and fries and a big bottle of Crystal hot sauce.

> 9. If you could have any car what would it be and why.

A Buick Grand National. My stepdad had one when I was a kid and he wrecked it and blew up the motor on the dragstrip. I love 80s cars like Caprice, Cutlass, Regal etc. And they combine the look of those cars with the speed and performance of a sports car.

> 10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I love Orlando but my second choice would be London, England. I went there in 2009 and loved it. They are very passionate about music and art. More so than the U.S.

> 11. If you could be the president of the USA would you why or why not.

Definitely not. I really don't have any idea how government or politics works. One of the main reasons I don't write music on those subjects. My only desire is that marijuana be legalized. The one and only drug I've used and don't see a problem with.


  1. This is a GREAT interview. You asked some excellent questions and were very lucky to have Jon be cool enough to respond with so much personal information! Good job!

  2. Yeah he is a pretty cool guy when you get to know him.
