Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All this killing in the world today

What is this world coming to? we have mothers killing there kids for all kinds of reasons like this women who killed her two kids for being ''mouthy''. Not only do we have mom's and dad's killing there kid's but we have kids killing there parents because they don't like doing chores. So the question is what is this world coming to?


  1. Molly wrote about this story on her blog, too. I agree with you both...I don't understand how a mother could do that. The only thing I can think of is that she must be mentally ill and need some help. I personally don't see how someone can kill another person at all...but it's even more unbelievable that a mother could kill her children like that.

  2. I know I just wonder what the world will be like it 5 or 10 years.
